MiNES 2019
MiNES is a new conference created to serve the fission reactor materials community that grew out of, and supplants, biennial symposia held at the TMS meeting (Microstructure Processes in Irradiated Materials – MPIM) and the ANS meeting (Nuclear Fuel and Structural Materials – NFSM). As such, the coverage of MiNES includes those topics held previously at MPIM and NFSM, which include the following:
- Irradiation Damage
- Irradiated Microstructures
- Mechanical Properties of Irradiated Materials
- Radiation Effects Simulation & Evaluation Techniques
- Integrated Phenomena in Reactor Materials
- Advanced Alloys and Materials for Nuclear Systems
- Advanced Fuels & Actinide Materials
- Nuclear Fuel Cycles
MiNES will be held biannually (every other year) in the autumn season with the first meeting to be held October 6-10, 2019 in Baltimore, MD, USA. ANS and TMS alternate sponsorship of the conference and assist an organizing committee headed by three conference chairs in planning the content and venue for each meeting. While held in the U.S., the organizers of MiNES strongly encourage international participation.